pdf Work of Science: Floating self-charging shading and outdoor lighting system with photovoltaic panel  Published Popular


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Type of Work Work of Science العمل العلمي
Title of Work Floating self-charging shading and outdoor lighting system with photovoltaic panel نظام تظليل وإضاءة طائر ذاتي الشحن مزود بخلايا كهروضوئية
Date of first publication 07/04/2021 07/04/2021 07/04/2021
Date of the registration 07/04/2021 07/04/2021 07/04/2021
Certificate № EC-01-003176 EC-01-003176 EC-01-003176
Name of Author (s) and Citizenship Muhammad Abdelhameed Muhammad Obaid (Egypt) محمد عبدالحميد محمد عبيد (مصر)
Rightholder (s) Muhammad Abdelhameed Muhammad Obaid (Egypt) محمد عبدالحميد محمد عبيد (مصر)