pdf Work of Science: Uniform “Drive Through” Retail Concept  Published Popular


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Type of Work Work of Science العمل العلمي
Title of Work Uniform “Drive Through” Retail Concept مفهوم التجزئة الموحد "القيادة عبر"
Date of first publication 21/03/2021 21/03/2021 21/03/2021
Date of the registration 21/03/2021 21/03/2021 21/03/2021
Certificate № EC-01-003166 EC-01-003166 EC-01-003166
Name of Author (s) and Citizenship Wessel Jacobus Rheeder (South Africa) وسيسل جاكوبوس رهيدر (جنوب أفريقيا)
Rightholder (s) Wessel Jacobus Rheeder (South Africa) وسيسل جاكوبوس رهيدر (جنوب أفريقيا)